Dynamic Qoros 3 City SUV 1.6T

April 01, 2015 at 10:04 AM
Dynamic Qoros 3 City SUV 1.6T

Qoros has also designed and engineered a show car to illustrate the changes made to QorosQloud. The car, a dynamic interpretation of the production Qoros 3 City SUV 1.6T, features completely open sides and a transparent roof to enable visitors to see the QorosQloud system from outside the car.

Building on the positioning of the City SUV, the ideal car for urban living and suburban retreats, the car illustrates what a modern city car of the future could look like. Easy entry and exit to and from the vehicle works well for city life, and the transparent roof is ideal for weekend leisure pursuits. The 19" wheels also exemplify the sportiness and dynamism of this show car.

The Qoros 3 City SUV concept was designed by the international design team at Qoros, based in Shanghai and Munich.



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